HackFrost Winter Hackathon
  1. Using Kestra is mandatory to be eligible to win prizes such as a MacBook, iPad, Mac Mini, and monitors. Teams not using Kestra will not qualify for these prizes. Please note that each team member will receive a prize.
  2. All design elements, code, hardware builds, etc., for your project must be created during the event. Third-party tools and frameworks, as well as your usual tooling, are allowed. While coding cannot begin in advance, teams may plan and discuss their projects beforehand. Written documents and design sketches are permitted. Pre-existing material that is freely available to the public, such as public domain images, Creative Commons music, open-source libraries, existing APIs, and platforms, may be incorporated.
  3. Projects must involve writing significant software, though hardware may be included.
  4. Teams must consist of 1-4 members.
  5. Any intellectual property developed during the hackathon will belong to the team that created it. Teams are encouraged to have an agreement regarding IP, though this is not required.
  6. Please treat all participants with respect. Act kindly, behave professionally, and refrain from insulting or demeaning others. Harassment, as well as racist, sexist, or exclusionary jokes, are not appropriate. If you witness harassment, please notify a hackathon organizer.

Failure to comply with the above-stated Rules and Code of Conduct may result in the offending team's disqualification.